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May 12, 2021

Statement and measures taken as a result of the coronavirus

Because of the COVID-19 coronavirus the Netherlands and the world find themselves in an exceptional situation. As a responsible telecom operator and employer, KPN is taking measures to protect employees and customers and to guarantee the continuity of its services so that customers can work from home and people in the Netherlands remain in connection with each other.

Keeping the Netherlands connected

From the beginning of the corona virus crisis, we notice that from all over the Netherlands, people make substantial use of the KPN network. We see a considerable rise in the use of our network and a shift in traffic in the network (more from home, less from the office). We also see a sizable increase in the number of mobile calls and a rise in internet traffic. Our network is equipped to handle peak load, which usually occurs at the weekend, and we have not faced any issues with the increase in business and consumer traffic.

The load on our network has now stabilized. There is continued extra attention to network performance for our customers who are active in healthcare. We continue to pay extra attention to the network performance for our customers in healthcare. In any case we are monitoring the situation very closely and, as always, we monitor our infrastructure and that of our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our primary task is to keep the Netherlands connected.

Protecting employees and customers

KPN is minimizing physical contact between our employees and customers. If possible all office employees work from home and all meetings and events are held online only. These measures apply until further notice.

Service to customers

Physical contact with customers is temporarily being restricted as much as possible. This applies to customers in the consumer market as well as those in the business market. We have arranged everything to be able to serve customers remotely, online via kpn.com and by telephone. Extra capacity is switched on at these customer entrances.

  • All our stores are open for B2B and B2C customers. Employees and customers visiting the stores are required to wear a face mask - we will provide these. Please check the store overview for a KPN store near you.
  • Our installation and service engineers can continue to carry out their work. Of course they are taking the RIVM guidelines into account. Read on for more information.
  • Do you have a question about our products or services, or are you experiencing difficulties? B2C customers can find the answers on our service page. Service for B2B customers can be found here.

More information about our services can be found on kpn.com/corona.

Collaboration with suppliers

KPN maintains close contact with its suppliers for the delivery of products. To be able to guarantee the continuity of delivery to our customers, we have made arrangements with our suppliers about provisioning and we are in close consultation with them over the measures they are taking against the corona virus.

Because of the outbreak of the coronavirus the delivery of certain products may take longer than you would expect from KPN, subject to the situation in the suppliers’ production chain. We notify customers as soon as possible of any delays in delivery.

Finally, KPN is doing everything it can to keep the Netherlands connected and, along with our customers, to contribute to the health, solidarity and economy of our society. We are constantly keeping a close eye on the situation, and will take further measures if required.

KPN. The network of the Netherlands.