KPN Mooiste Contact Days
Special experiences, unforgettable memories
Promoting social contact and combating loneliness amongst vulnerable groups are at the heart of the KPN Mooiste Contact Days. Amongst other things, elderly people are invited for a special day in, for example, the Rijksmuseum or the Concertgebouw.
During the KPN Mooiste Contact Days, it’s all about social contact for people for whom this isn’t always obvious. These are days to look forward to every year. For the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds, for the KPN volunteers and of course for the hundreds of participants who have less connection to society, who get to enjoy a great day together.
In contact in the ‘Rijks’
In 2019 the KPN Mooiste Contact Dagen were organized again in the Rijksmuseum for 200 guests of Stichting Lezen & Schrijven, Limor, het Ouderenfonds, Middin, Amstelring en Kingarthurgroep. Together with the fund, 200 KPN volunteers gave these people an unforgettable day in the museum, where it was up to the KPN people to ensure that the guests lacked nothing.
Spread over 2 days, the guests were driven by bus to the ‘Rijks’ in Amsterdam. The KPN volunteers received them like real VIPs and accompanied them during the tours. With time for a good conversation and attention for the Dutch masters. Of course, the visit wouldn’t have been complete without a visit to ‘The Night Watch’.
In 2020, the plan was to invite many people with a physical disability for a cruise during SAIL Amsterdam. Unfortunately, this event, like many others, was canceled due to the corona pandemic.
The KPN Mooiste Contact Dagen originate from the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds, the fund that was established in 2007. With the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds, we support initiatives by various social partners that are aimed at stimulating social contact for vulnerable groups in society. For various reasons, some people have less connection to the world around them than they would like. As a result, social isolation is lurking.
Learn more and visit the website of KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds.