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KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds

Hello, is anyone there?

Social contact is important to all of us, but it is not a given for everyone. The KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds brings people who feel lonely in contact with the world around them again.

Helping with technology, resources and people

Het Mooiste Contact Fonds is a KPN initiative and has been in existence for more than 10 years. The fund was established in 2007. Its aim: social contact for people who are currently missing it. There are all sorts of reasons for this, for example, illness, a disability or the loss of a partner.

With the fund, KPN supports initiatives by various social partners who stimulate social contact for vulnerable groups. This way, we want to prevent social isolation amongst elderly people and sick children. The KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds contributes by applying technology, resources and people.

Focus on vulnerable groups

Vulnerable groups such as the elderly, people with learning difficulties or long-term and chronically ill children are at the heart of the fund’s projects. They have a relatively high chance of ending up in social isolation. For this reason, the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds focuses especially on these groups.

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What the fund does

The KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds makes efforts to prevent or break the cycle of social isolation. Every year, between 1,500 and 2,000 KPN volunteers participate in the fund’s projects. They explain to people with learning difficulties how they can use the internet, visit the Rijksmuseum with senior citizens or serve Christmas dinner at various KPN offices.

Our volunteers also work on projects like KlasseContact, which helps long-term or chronically ill children to stay connected with their classmates and follow lessons remotely. The effort and enthusiasm of these volunteers is invaluable for the fund. All projects look at how ICT can make social contact easier.

Roze Concertgebouw
First Pink Elders Christmas Dinner at Concert Hall great success.

KPN Mooiste Contact Diners

It is important to realize that during the holidays it is not natural for everyone to celebrate Christmas with loved ones and a nice, delicious dinner. This is why the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds has been organizing annual Christmas dinners for the elderly since 2009. People in vulnerable situations are invited to come and celebrate Christmas with us.

In December 2022 it became a very special edition: a Christmas dinner in collaboration with KPN Pride and 1330. Especially for pink elderly people who often find it extra difficult and struggle with loneliness and lack of understanding. Reason enough for a unique Christmas dinner with the goal of connecting generations. Young and old in one room, all from the LHTBQIA+ community. But above all to give the guests an unforgettable evening.

KPN Mooiste Contact Dagen

To promote social contact and combat loneliness among vulnerable groups, elderly people, among others, are invited to a special day at, for example, the Rijksmuseum or the Concertgebouw. During the KPN Mooiste Contact Dagen, it's all about social contact for people for whom that is not a given. They are days to look forward to every year. For the fund, for the KPN volunteers and, of course, for the hundreds of participants who are less connected to society and who have a wonderful day together.

Support the fund

Every extra donation is welcome. The fund chooses a new project to support every year. In the past, we worked with, amongst others, Resto VanHarte, the Red Cross, Alzheimer Nederland and the ComputerPlusBus (in cooperation with the National Fund for the Elderly). You can donate to the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds via IBAN account number NL77INGB0004792277, please state KPN MCF donation.

Discover the various initiatives of the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds.

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