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Protecting young users

The first steps online

Internet enriches the lives of children too. Movies, games and apps help them discover the world. For a long time we have been making sure that they do so safely and responsibly.

Safety first

In our portfolio we have several handy products that protect young internet users from images, movies and other content that are not fit for their eyes. Additionally we ensure that malware, spyware and viruses are repelled. KPN Veilig is a complete security package that protects all the home apparatus linked to it: computers, tablets and smartphones. Parental supervision allows mums and dads to use a filter that blocks unsuitable content.

Child-friendly internet browser

With the arrival of mobile devices that are simple to operate, KPN had recognized that children are active online at an increasingly young age. Although that offers all sorts of new ways of learning, we immediately saw the dangers, so in 2009 we launched MyBee, a child-friendly web browser that we developed in association with the My Child Online Foundation. The initial version was for the computer, but later an app was developed for tablets.

Mybee helped young children between 2 and 6 years old take their first steps online. Not by telling them what they mustn’t do, but by showing them what’s fun. By playing and learning, they discovered the online world.

In the course of time a large number of apps and smart applications have come onto the market that familiarize children with the online world and that have taken over the function of MyBee. So KPN was pleased that it no longer had to offer a special browser: children can now surf safely in a lot of different ways.