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The KPN Technology Book: our vision on future technology

New technologies make our lives easier. We are more efficient, we feel safer and are more accessible than ever. New technologies play a crucial role in this. At the same time, these developments raise questions. Do they put our safety at risk and do we have to worry about computers that are smarter than us? To understand the opportunities and challenges of new technologies, we have selected the most exciting trends.

KPN's Technology Book is packed with the latest technological developments that are and will be important to us, our customers, partners and society:

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Certain technologies and applications may well take off. Such as speech technology, which could play a major role in our daily lives because of the coronavirus. Touchscreens are virus spreaders, so nowadays it would suddenly make sense if we "say" to a coffee machine that we want black coffee.

The Technology Book clearly shows one thing: there is no lack of innovations. But how do we make them practically usable? For that goal, we must continue to share ideas and experiences with each other. An ongoing dialogue about opportunities and challenges is crucial. Because only together we can succeed in getting the most out of all these technologies so that it benefits society.

Do you wish to know more about the tech trends that are changing your company and society? Download the KPN Technology Book for free (see above).

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