Worry-free online
Increasingly, our lives are spent online. We do our shopping via the internet, store files in the cloud and share special moments via social media. Together we’re generating ever more data. Who has access to these often personal details? How can we ensure that this data is secure? These are questions that keep KPN busy on a daily basis.

Security in practice
Protection of the online world
A connected society has huge advantages, but is also vulnerable. When digital
systems don’t function well, before long there are serious consequences. That’s why
hundreds of KPN experts are monitoring our online world every moment of the day, all year

Privacy in practice
In control of your personal data
The more time we spend in the online world, the more important the question becomes about how we deal with personal data as a society. As a ‘carrier’ of large amounts of data, this issue keeps KPN busy on a daily basis. We regard the right to privacy as a major asset and we do everything we can to protect it.

Data centers
Top level
KPN has 3 data centers throughout the Netherlands. This is where we store our customers’ data, so that they can always access their data via the cloud. Our Dutch data centers meet the highest technical and legal requirements. Therefore, we can say that there is virtually no safer place to store data.

Publicity campaigns & cooperation
Sharing our knowledge
KPN has a great deal of experience and expertise in the area of online security. We are more than happy to share this in order to improve cyber security in the Netherlands. For example, we are a principal partner in Alert Online, the annual campaign to help Dutch people with online security.
We also share our insights with the VNO-NCW’s (Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers) privacy commission and we have a seat on the national Cyber Security Council. This council gives advice about relevant developments in the area of digital security. Together with the Cyber Central foundation, we are making security comprehensible for all employees within organizations and companies: after all, security is not just the responsibility of the IT department.