Every day a little greener
We see every day as a chance to do better. Such as playing our part in tackling the climate issue by finding the right tone for our transition to sustainable growth. KPN is the Green Connection and one of the world’s most sustainable telecom companies.
KPN’s ambitions
Further reductions in energy consumption, zero waste
KPN is one of the world’s greenest companies. To maintain this position, we’ve set far-reaching goals for the future. We are continuously committed to reducing energy and raw material use. Read more about how KPN does this here.

KPN is environmentally aware
Because we can always be more energy efficient
KPN strives to connect everybody and everything in a sustainable way. We’re contributing to a prosperous and clean world by continually reducing our impact on the environment. We do this by working more energy efficiently. Since 2011, we’ve been using 100% green electricity and we’ve been completely climate neutral since 2015.

Working towards a more sustainable future
Sustainability is an integral part of our strategy, which means we always look at where improvements can be made. In our own organization as well as for our customers and for society. For example, we work on reducing energy consumption, on circularity, reducing CO₂ emissions and where possible we make a positive contribution to nature. Read more about this in our annual report.

Because the future is about all of us
It is important that we work together to build a prosperous and sustainable future. KPN works with different organizations, governments and other companies. In the Netherlands and beyond.

Making more progress together
As a large company, every year we purchase many products and services from suppliers. Because sustainability is deeply rooted in our organization, we have high expectations of the parties we work with. KPN critically reviews their impact on the environment, the working conditions of staff and what positive contribution they are making to society.

Progress for humans and the environment
KPN is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These are 17 goals for sustainable development that are in force from 2015 to 2030. KPN is focusing on the three goals where we can make a difference.

Recognition at home and abroad
Sustainability and transparency are a logical part of our way of working. We see the fact that we score well in different rankings as recognition for our policy and the commitment of our employees.

Attractive, functional, but above all fair
The founders of the Fairphone wondered whether it was possible to produce a ‘fair’ smartphone. So, without material from conflict zones, with fair treatment of all workers and full transparency about the origin of materials. With help from KPN, this remarkable initiative was able to expand into a full-fledged business. In 2014, we were the first provider to offer the Fairphone: an attractive but at the same time functional smartphone. The Fairphone has a modular design, making it easy to replace broken components.

Solving and preventing payment problems
KPN has entered into a partnership with De Nederlandse Schuldhulproute (NSR, the Dutch Debt Assistance Route). This is part of a national collaboration between the business community, government and debt relief organizations to prevent payment arrears from becoming debt worries. By joining the NSR, we contribute to a sustainable solution and prevention of payment problems. Thanks to KPN, the NSR can reach even more people with financial concerns with appropriate debt assistance.

Sustainability. Technology makes it possible
Read what the lives of Frank (KPN customer) and Jill (KPN employee) look like when KPN implements sustainable concepts together with partners. KPN is the network of the Netherlands and with that network we offer the technological platform for a more sustainable life. This whitepaper explains how new technologies such as 5G ensure that our living environment becomes more beautiful and cleaner.