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Rankings and awards

Recognition at home and abroad

Sustainability and transparency are a logical part of our way of working. We see the fact that we score well in different rankings as recognition for our policy and the commitment of our employees.



AAA rating (2024).

What is it?

MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company’s resilience to long-term, financially relevant ESG risks. We leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and alternative data to deliver dynamic investment-relevant insights to power your investment decisions.

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Again awarded in 2024 with a Platinum medal (top 1%) as a recognition of their EcoVadis Corporate Social Responsibility Rating.

What is it?

EcoVadis aims to improve the practice of companies in the environmental and social spheres with a collaborative platform that allows companies to evaluate the sustainability performance of their suppliers across 220 sectors and 180 countries. EcoVadis bases its assessment on four themes: labor and human rights, the environment, sustainability and ethics.

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In 2023, KPN scored very high in the WDi. We score higher than other telecom providers and also higher than the average for the Netherlands. We score high or maximum in all categories mentioned.

What is it?

The Workforce Disclosure initiative (WDi) aims to improve corporate transparency and accountability on workforce issues, provide companies and investors with comprehensive and comparable data and help increase the supply of quality jobs worldwide.

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Ranked 44th in the prestigious ‘2023 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World’ by Corporate Knights.

What is it?

The American magazine Corporate Knights ranks the 100 most sustainable companies in the world. These represent the top in the field of sustainable business. The ranking is cross-cultural, including industrial, financial, IT, consumer and healthcare sectors. For the compilation of the list, 6,000 companies were analyzed.

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In 2024 Dutch consumers have voted KPN the most sustainable telecom brand in the Netherlands for the fifth time in a row. This is evident from the latest Sustainable Brand Index, a survey of more than 12,000 Dutch people.

What is it?

The Sustainable Brand Index is the largest and leading study in Europe in the field of sustainability and consumer brands. In the Netherlands, it conducts annual research among more than 12,000 consumers into their perception of the sustainability of 223 well-known brands in the Netherlands, active in 22 different industry segments.

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In 2023, we will be included in the Europe Index in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. According to independent experts, we are one of the most sustainable telecom companies in Europe.

What is it?

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices indicate which of more than 8,000 listed companies are working most sustainably. The ranking is determined by RobecoSAM and S&P Dow Jones Indices and is considered as an international standard for the performance of companies in the area of environmental and social issues.

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Included in the Climate Change A list in 2024.

What is it?

CDP brings together investors, companies and cities and allows them to report transparently on climate change. This involves both reducing the negative impact of energy consumption and developing products and services to make the chain more sustainable together with customers and partners. By 2025, companies representing two-thirds of the global market capitalization will have disclosed data on environmental impacts to more than 700 investors through the CDP.

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Also in 2021, included in the Vigeo Eurozone 120 and Benelux 20.

What is it?

Vigeo Eiris positions itself as the leading European expert in the evaluation of businesses and organizations in the fields of the environment, social policy and good governance.

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Research by The RepTrak Company shows that KPN will once again be among the top 10 largest Dutch companies with the best reputation in 2023. KPN (again) is the telecom company with the strongest reputation in 2023.

What is it?

The Reputation Awards are presented annually in response to the annual RepTrak ranking, conducted by The RepTrak Company.

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In 2023, once again in the leading group in 16th place.

What is it?

The Transparency Benchmark evaluates the annual reports of 500 companies. KPN has been in the top 10 for several years.

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Listed in the FTSE4Good Index Series.

What is it?

The FTSE4Good Index Series measures the performances of companies that distinguish themselves through strong business operations in the areas of the environment, social policy and corporate governance.

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In shared tenth place in 2022.

What is it?

The Tax Transparency Benchmark 2022 is a comparative study of 77 Dutch listed companies. The Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) conducts an annual comparative study of Dutch listed companies in terms of good governance in the field of taxation.

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In 2022 (Q3), the Consumers Association again rated KPN Fiber as the best all-in-one provider. Also in Q1 2023, KPN Fiber came out as Best in the Test.

What is it?

Every month thousands of panel members of the Consumers Association share their experiences with providers. They assess quality, report disruptions and indicate how satisfied they are. The Consumers Association determines the test judgments based on these consumer data.

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Voted both the best Internet provider and the best Mobile provider in the Netherlands in 2022. KPN received the highest score in both categories based on votes by the Tweakers community, consisting of more than half a million technology enthusiasts.

What is it?

The Tweakers Awards are presented every year. It concerns a public award for the best technology and electronics brands, chosen by visitors of Tweakers. Awards will be presented in various categories, ranging from manufacturer to service provider.

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In 2022, we were once again recognized as an "Open Innovation Challenger" for our active and successful collaboration with startups. This is the fifth time we have received recognition from the international startup community. 

What is it?

'Europe’s Corporate Startup Stars' are companies that are committed to promoting collaboration with start-ups in Europe. The list is compiled annually by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and innovation consultancy firm Mind the Bridge. 

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KPN climate targets in 2024 revalidated by Science Based Targets initiative.

What is it?

SBTi is an initiative that aims to have international companies make a scientifically substantiated contribution to CO₂ reduction. In 2017, KPN was one of the first companies in the Netherlands to join SBTi. In recent years, KPN has made great strides forward with long-term agreements for the purchase of renewable energy from wind and sun.

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KPN won the Privacy Guarantee (2019).

What is it?

The DDMA Privacy Guarantee offers an internal privacy and security check with which organizations can show consumers and partners that they respect privacy and handle personal data carefully and transparently.

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KPN’s mobile network tested as the best by benchmark umlaut with the highest score worldwide: an overall score of 987 points on a scale of 1000.

What is it?

The annual network test of the German Connect Magazine, carried out by benchmark organization umlaut, is seen as the leading tests in the telecom sector.
In the Netherlands in addition to various user tests, the quality of the mobile network is measured in numerous places, such as in all large and medium-sized cities, on highways ad provincial roads and from public transport and more remote places. 

Read the research report here

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